Trying New Things

249042_3875940504239_1683082819_nToday I was able to spend a nice, kid-free lunch with my husband! Thanks to my mom we were able to go down to Main St. Seal Beach and dine at one of our favorite BBQ restaurants, Beachwood BBQ. Now don’t mistaken this time as a needed break from our children…their Bama just wanted to hang out with them:) So they did a sleepover and we went out for dinner and a movie with friends! Actually, yesterday after she picked them up, Mr. English was asleep on the couch and I laid there thinking…I love the quiet! But after about 20 minutes, I was bored!!! My kids bring so much entertainment and life to our house that I can’t imagine one without them:)
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March Product Feature!

Every month I will be featuring a product that is near and dear to me. (I only refer products that I believe in) Right now I am thinking of my kids’ immune system. We have heard of so many families being hit with colds, flus, stomach bugs, bronchitis, you name it! The Kid and The Boy did get a bit of congestion last week, but so far they have kept away from these illnesses!
Biomega Jr. is a great way for my children to get their Omegas from a healthy fish oil!

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